CERF-funded Project


Strengthening Collective Accountability to Affected People in Afghanistan (23-UF-OPS-004)

Project overview

The main objective of this UNOPS project is to strengthen the system-wide accountability mechanism for affected people in Afghanistan. This project provides activities such as strengthening the Afghanistan Community Voices and Accountability Platform, improving access to humanitarian information. The engagement with affected people has been conducted through the full range of available platforms, including the Awaaz helpline, the Community Voices and Accountability Platform, Cluster and Working Group community dialogues, as well as the dedicated IASC monitoring mechanism. The project provides life-saving assistance to 120,000 people, including 57,000 women, 6,000 children, and 12,000 persons with disabilities. This project is part of the special thematic funding envelope for AAP under the 2023 second round of the underfunded emergencies (UFE) allocations.