CERF-funded Project


Emergency response to Cyclone-Affected Populations in Vanuatu with lifesaving Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES/NFI) (23-RR-IOM-039)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to Improve the living conditions of people displaced by the Cyclone Lola through the provision of lifesaving shelter and non-food items (NFIs). This IOM project provides emergency shelter and NFIs to cyclone-affected households to meet their immediate needs. The project also provides at-risk communities with awareness and training on ‘build back saver’ techniques. The project provides humanitarian assistance to 3,310 people, including 1,005 women, 1,028 men, 1,277 children, including 44 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Shelter and Non-Food Items US$320,000
Camp Coordination and Camp Management US$80,000