CERF-funded Project


Offre de services pour la réponse aux Violences Basées sur le Genre et Abus et Exploitation Sexuels, incluant l’accès aux services de santé reproductive (SR) (23-RR-FPA-022)

Project overview

This UNFPA project provided gender-based violence protection assistance and sexual and reproductive health assistance to refugees and returnees in Sila, Ouaddai and Wadi Fira. The GBV component of this project reached over 36,000 people, including 17,530 women, project provided humanitarian assistance to 40,000 people, including 16,400 women, over 16,600 children and including 175 persons with disabilities. The sexual and reproductive health component of this projetc reached over 41,500 people, including over 21,000 women, over 17,000 children and including over 400 people with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Protection US$350,000
Health US$150,000