CERF-funded Project

occupied Palestinian territory

​​Contribution to UNRWA Updated oPt Flash Appeal November 2023 – Covering the costs of logistics​ (23-RR-RWA-003)

Project overview

This logistics project contributes to UNRWA's and the broader humanitarian community's capacity in Gaza to respond to the ongoing emergency through covering the critical logistics requirement, in support to 1.3 million affected people. The project activities are expected to support the overall humanitarian operation by securing the needed trucking, transporting and fuel to deliver essential aid and services to enter Gaza to reach displaced people across the Gaza Strip. UNRWA has an operational capacity of mobilizing 200 trucks a day, and with its capacity, the project enables the broader humanitarian community to fulfil its commitment to deliver assistance to affected people. The delivery of lifesaving needs, such as food, essential household items, water, and medicines, is a priority.