CERF-funded Project


Emergency response to restore food security and the productive capacity of farmers affected by heavy rains and floods in the districts of Morrope, Illimo, Pacora and Jayanca in the department of Lambayeque. (23-RR-FAO-005)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to restore food security and productive capacity to 1,220 farmers (4,270 people) who have lost all or part of their production due to heavy rains and floods. This FAO project provides support with inputs and productive assets for the recovery of crops, provision of inputs, materials, and equipment for the recovery of breeders, small corrals, and veterinary kits, and technical assistance in agricultural diversification, soil conservation practices, sustainable agriculture, and livestock, food security, nutrition, and resilience to climate change. The project provides assistance to 4,270 people, including 1,922 men, 1,995 women, 182 boys, 171 girls, and including 264 persons with disabilities.