CERF-funded Project


Provision of emergency life-saving Health, Child Protection and WASH services to communities affected by the recent conflict in Myanmar during the fourth quarter of 2023. (23-RR-CEF-078)

Project overview

The main objective of this UNICE project is to improve access to essential health care services, protection support, and WASH services and supplies. This project supplies essential medicines and equipment for emergency primary healthcare, maternal and newborn car and provides healthcare services to women, children, and families through mobile teams and community health workers, among other activities. The Protection component provides assistance to 15,000 people including 3,500 women and 9,000 children and including 700 persons with disabilities. The Health component provides assistance to 30,000 people, including 7,500 women 18,000 children and including 2,400 persons with disabilities. The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) component provides assistance to 40,000 people including 14,000 women and 13,000 children and including 2,000 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Health US$1,204,000
Protection US$392,000
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$1,204,000