CERF-funded Project


Fourniture d'une assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle et renforcement des activités génératrices de revenus pour atténuer l''impact négatif de El Nino sur les populations à risque à Madagascar (23-RR-WFP-068)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide anticipatory and early food and nutritional assistance to vulnerable at-risk populations in Madagascar to mitigate the negative impact of El Nino. This WFP project provides food assistance, improved coverage of nutritional supplementation for children suffering from moderate acute malnutrition, and screening and early detection interventions to combat acute malnutrition in children. The project provides life-saving assistance to 58,333 people, including 8,000 women, 6,500 men, 43,833 children, and 1,833 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Nutrition US$204,000
Food Assistance US$996,000