CERF-funded Project


Projet de mitigation de l’impact négatif du phénomène El Nino à travers des actions d’anticipation et de la réponse dans les régions du Grand Sud de Madagascar (23-RR-CEF-074)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide critical anticipatory and early nutrition, WASH and protection assistance to vulnerable people affected and at risk of drought exacerbated by the forecasted impacts of El Niño. This UNICEF project provides nutrition interventions to children under five suffering from severe malnutrition, child protection and WASH services to affected populations The project provides humanitarian assistance to 52,193 people, including 11.842 men, 12,375 women, 13,680 boys, 14,296 girls and 4,906 persons with disabilities.

Sector Amount in US$
Nutrition US$300,000
Protection US$150,000
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$300,000