CERF-funded Project
Emergency Shelter and NFI for affected populations of the Floods in Northeastern Libya (23-RR-IOM-032)
Grant | $1,500,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | IOM |
Emergency type | Flood |
Window | Rapid Response |
Sector | Shelter and Non-Food Items |
Group(s) of people targeted | Host communities, Internally displaced persons |
Number of people targeted | 20,800 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The project seeks to respond to urgent shelter and non-food item (NFI) needs identified by IOM, the UN and the Government of Libya in the areas affected by the floods to provide emergency relief assistance to the most vulnerable. The objective is to mitigate the impact of the flood, restore dignified living conditions of people affected, and address the deteriorated humanitarian conditions along the northeastern side of Libya. This is achieved through provision of emergency shelter assistance and distribution of emergency NFI assistance. IOM targets 20,800 affected people with ES/NFI activities.