CERF-funded Project


Provision of critical WASH emergency services for the most vulnerable children and families in flood-affected areas of eastern Libya (23-RR-CEF-052)

Project overview

Initial assessments suggest that there is an urgent need to provide immediate lifesaving support to affected population especially in the area of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Accordingly, the proposed CERF Rapid Response (RR) project seeks to meet the immediate/lifesaving WASH needs of people in the Derna, Akhder, Al-Marj, Batah, Bayada, Albayda, and Shahat municipalities. This is achieved through the delivery of critical activities at household (HH), community and institutional level such as the provision of drinkable water, provision of critical WASH Non-Food Items (NFIs), Hygiene promotion, construction of temporary emergency latrines at IDP sites, rehabilitation or minor repair of water and sanitation systems and environmental cleaning/ spraying services. UNICEF targets 60,000 affected people with WASH activities.