CERF-funded Project

Islamic Republic of Iran

Provision of emergency support to earthquake affected areas in Khoy (23-RR-HCR-006)

Project overview

UNHCR has responded within the first 48 hours after the earthquake by dispatching and distributing Core Relief Items (CRIs) and Shelter/ non-food items from its in-country stockpile to affected people. The UNHCR humanitarian assistance was provided in the spirit of solidarity and to support the host community, given the inclusive services provided by the government to refugees and host communities during in such disasters in a non-discriminatory manner. In addition, UNHCR is in the process of distributing 14 prefabricated latrines and showers including for persons with disabilities and 500,000 3-ply masks. UNHCR will use the CERF allocation to replenish stocks depleted with the initial response. The project targets 5,000 affected people with its WASH engagement and 10,000 with the proposed ES/NFI activities.

Sector Amount in US$
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$191,508
Shelter and Non-Food Items US$67,287