CERF-funded Project

Islamic Republic of Iran

Integrated Humanitarian Response to the Emergency Needs of Earthquake Affected Communities in Khoy, Northwest of Iran (23-RR-CEF-007)

Project overview

UNICEF supports the affected households and children with improved access to primary healthcare services by providing and equipping mobile clinics that can operate in villages and remote areas. People in camps and temporary accommodations receive critical WASH supplies (tailored to the specific needs of children, women, and people with disabilities)and children in villages and rural areas are assisted with improved access to safe and inclusive education through mobilizing temporary learning spaces and distributing student kits (stationery items and learning materials). Also, children in camp settings have improved access to child friendly spaces, child protection and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services. UNICEF targets 3,920 affected people with its proposed WASH engagement, 10,840 with health, 1,200 with EiE activities and 200 with Protection (CP).

Sector Amount in US$
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$80,678
Health US$61,204
Education US$108,498
Protection US$27,820