CERF-funded Project


Provision of humanitarian supplies to support critical live-saving GBV and SRH emergency services to vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian crisis in Amhara Region (23-RR-FPA-048)

Project overview

The main objective of this project is to provide lifesaving integrated sexual and reproductive health care and gender-based violence prevention and response in woredas affected by multiple humanitarian hazards. This UNFPA project includes equipping health facilities with inter-agency reproductive health (IARH) kits, providing female dignity kits to women and girls of reproductive age, undertaking on-site orientation on the proper utilization of the IARH kits and female dignity kits components, and conducting post-distribution monitoring among dignity kits beneficiaries as well as GBV partners in the targeted woredas. The project provides life-saving assistance to 98,163 people, of whom 46,715 are women and 14,572 are girls. About 4,981 people with disabilities benefit from this project.

Sector Amount in US$
Health US$502,501
Protection US$247,501