CERF-funded Project

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Emergency Child Protection, WASH and Cholera Response in North Kivu and Ituri territories (23-RR-CEF-065)

Project overview

The main objective of this project was to provide WASH, child protection and shelter as well as non-food item assistance to vulnerable populations, particularly children, affected by displacement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The project involved constructing emergency latrines and showers, implementing targeted cholera control measures at the community level, safeguarding children affected by armed conflicts through monitoring and reporting violations, providing mental health and psychosocial support, responding to family separations, preventing and addressing gender-based violence risks, and ensuring child protection, while also delivering immediate assistance in essential household items through UNICEF's Rapid Response Mechanism (UniRR). The project provided life-saving assistance to over 532,000 people in the WASH sector, to almost 30,890 people in child protection, and to almost 16,360 people in the Shelter sector.

Sector Amount in US$
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene US$3,017,500
Protection US$850,000
Shelter and Non-Food Items US$382,500