CERF-funded Project

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Assistance rapide et durable aux moyens de subsistances aux familles déplacées, retournées, communauté hôte) affectées par les crises armées dans le territoire d’Irumu (Ituri) et la zone de santé de Minova (Sud-Kivu) (23-RR-FAO-027)

Project overview

The main aim of this $1.3m FAO project is to provide rapid and sustainable livelihood support to displaced, host and returnee communities. To that end, FAO is providing 4,300 households (25,800 people) with agricultural inputs and training on how to use these so they can grow their own food. The same people are also receiving a $140 cash transfer to cover their immediate needs. In total, FAO is reaching 25,800 people, including 9,287 women and 6,193 girls. Among those targeted, FAO is reaching 2,590 people with disabilities.