CERF-funded Project
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Réponse d'urgence intégrée pour les communautés vulnérables affectées par les conflits armés au Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu (23-RR-CEF-045)
Grant | $2,843,783 |
Recipient UN Agency | UNICEF |
Emergency type | Displacement |
Window | Rapid Response |
Sectors | Education, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene |
Group(s) of people targeted | Host communities, Refugees, Returnees, Internally displaced persons, Other affected persons |
Number of people targeted | 118,604 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this project is to provide water, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition and education assistance to internally displaced persons, returnees, refugees and host community members in North and South Kivu. This UNICEF project provides access to safe drinking water, rehabilitates water points, constructs emergency showers and latrines, establishes temporary learning centres, screens for acute malnutrition and provides treatment to those suffering from severe acute malnutrition. This WASH component provides assistance to 108,000 people; the nutrition component to 5,900 people; and the education component to 4,400 people.
Sector | Amount in US$ |
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene | US$1,592,518 |
Education | US$710,946 |
Nutrition | US$540,319 |