CERF-funded Project
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Reponse rapide centrée autour des cas suspects de cholera en République démocratique du Congo (23-RR-CEF-036)
Grant | $375,049 |
Recipient UN Agency | UNICEF |
Emergency type | Cholera |
Window | Rapid Response |
Sector | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene |
Group of people targeted | Other affected persons |
Number of people targeted | 108,000 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this project was to provide water, sanitation and hygiene assistance to vulnerable communities affected by cholera in the DRC. This UNICEF project carried out case-area targeted interventions in and around households with suspected cholera cases. The approach included early detection, the distribution of cholera kits, household disinfection, hygiene promotion, and the establishment of manual chlorination points, among other activities. The project provided life-saving assistance to 108,000 people, including 19,246 women, 15,271 men, 73,483 children, and over 29,000 persons with disabilities.