CERF-funded Project

Burkina Faso

Assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle pour sauver les vies des personnes vulnérables pendant la période de soudure au Burkina Faso, et fourniture de services logistiques pour l’accès aux zones d’interventions humanitaires (23-RR-WFP-018)

Project overview

Thanks to this project, WFP and its partners provided food assistance to 26,039 people affected by food insecurity in Sahel (Provinces de Soum, Oudalan et Yagha) and Boucle du Mouhoun (Province de Sourou) regions, including 18,081 women, 27,654 children, and including 372 people with disabilities. In addition, this allocation supported the entire humanitarian community by allowing the continuation of UNHAS.

Sector Amount in US$
Food Assistance US$3,120,000
Common Services US$2,880,000