Provision of Emergency Healthcare Services to the Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (23-RR-WHO-052)
Grant | $500,000 |
Recipient UN Agency | WHO |
Emergency type | Displacement |
Window | Rapid Response |
Sector | Health |
Group of people targeted | Returnees |
Number of people targeted | 81,960 |
Implementation dates | | |
Project overview
The main objective of this project is to prevent avoidable mortalities and morbidities by ensuring access for Pakistan returnees to emergency health care services. This WHO project provides the establishment of four primary health care (PHC) facilities - two in each of the targeted borders - where the returnees can access PHC services. These services will include provision of outpatient consultations, measles vaccination, routine immunization, conducting institutional deliveries, screening for malnutrition among children and referring when necessary, psychosocial counselling, procurement, and distribution of PHC medicine packages to respond to the medicine and medical supplies needs of PHC facilities, amongst other activities. The project aims to provide life-saving assistance to 81,960 people including 29,953 women, 23,135 men, 28,872 children, and 9,834 persons with disabilities.